
GUMU Integration:-

  • Go to App Launcher-->Click on “GUMU Integration” App.


  • Click on Accounts tab. A list of all Accounts in the Salesforce Org will display. Click on “New” to create new account in Salesforce.

  • Fill all the required details and click on “Save”.

  • Click on “Promote” Button to promote an account from Salesforce to Sage 300 ERP as shown in below image.

  • Clicking on Promote Customer button navigates to the screen for selecting the integration from the list or it will display default integration, if one has been set to be used as a “Default Integration”.

  • Click on “Next” button.

  • The screen navigates to a page for entering required details for promoting a Customer. Fill the required details.

  • Click on the “Promote” button.

  • The corresponding Account gets promoted to Sage 300 and can be viewed in the ERP system.

  • To verify if an Account is promoted, click on the “Customer No” link and it will display the Real-time details of a Customer or you can login to the Sage System and check for the specific record.

View O/E Invoices Tab

The O/E Invoices tab lists all invoices for the selected account.

  • On clicking “ Invoice Number” link, the associated invoice details will be populated on Real- time basis along with line item details(See below image).

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