Pay Bills

Select Bills to pay

Only payments with Payment method Record Transfer are send to Checkbook. Select Send To Checkbook option to confirm sync. If in case you do not wish to sync the payment to Checkbook (i.e.; in order to process standard EFT\Record Transfer) select option Do not send. Select other options as required.

A smart event is attached to Pay Bills screen which captures payments which needs to be send to Checkbook. These selected payment can be viewed from Checkbook Payment screen.

Draft Payments

Payments can be kept as Draft (by adding to Outbox) and allow integration to post the payments once the checks has been generated in Checkbook. Payments kept as draft must be confirmed and then it is synchronized with Checkbook.

In order to process the draft payments, select option Add to outbox. Payment method to be selected as Record Transfer and select the option to send to checkbook.

In order to confirm the draft payment, select the desired payments from Draft Payments screen. After confirmation draft payments can be viewed on Checkbook Payment screen and are ready to process with Checkbook.

Payment Approvals

If payment approval is enabled then only approved payments are send to Checkbook. It is recommended that payments should be posted instead of keeping as draft as the approval process triggers only after payment is submitted for approval.

Last updated