Account Creation and Promotion

Note: It is mandatory to synchronize required entities (such as Category, Currency, Language, Payment Terms, and Tax Rules) before promoting a Customer to Sage 100.

  • Click on the Accounts tab, click the New button (top right), fill in all the required details and then Save.

  • Click the Promote Customer button to promote the Account in Sage 100 (this navigates to a screen for selecting the integration or it will display the default integration if one has been set).

Promote Customer Details


Specify the configured Integration name if the default integration is not set or selected by default

AR Division

Specify the AR Division, if your organization is using the Division functionality in Sage

Terms Code

Specify the default Terms Code to be used for the customer

Ship Method

Specify the Ship Method to be used for the customer

Tax Schedule

Specify the Tax Schedule to be used for the customer record based on your settings in Sage


Specify the Salesperson to be used for the customer record based on your settings in Sage (Note: if a Salesperson is mapped to the user in GUMU™ then it will be auto-populated while promoting the account, however, you always has the option to select/change a salesperson manually)

Customer No

Specify the non-existing Customer Number to be used for the customer record

  • Navigate to the ERP Addresses and Fields tab to view the promoted customer details (once an account gets promoted the Integration key and External UID will be generated).

  • To verify if an Customer is promoted, click the Customer No. link or ERP Customer Details button and it will display the real-time details (or you can log in to the Sage System and check for the specific record).

Last updated