Currency Setting

Please make sure that Currency in Sage CRM and Sage Intacct match. For example, if the Base Currency is $(USD). Sage CRM has ‘$’ symbol, while ERP has ‘USD’. Hence the Currency symbol must be changed to ‘USD’ in Sage CRM.

  1. Go to Administration->Data management->Currency configuration.

  2. If the Base Currency is $(USD), change it to some other currency.

  3. Go to Administration->Data management->Currency. You will find the currency ‘$’ in the list as shown below

  4. Click on the ‘US Dollar’, you find the following

  5. Change its symbol from $ to USD.

  6. Again Go to Administration->Data management->Currency configuration and change the base currency to “USD”.

Note - If Sage Intacct is multiple currency (say CAD) then user needs to follow below steps to use GUMU from Sage CRM.

  1. Administration -> Data Management -> Currency Configuration. Set Is Single Currency to No. Refer below screenshot,

  2. Administration -> Data Management -> Currency

  3. Click on New. Refer below screenshot.

  4. Enter Symbol, Precision and Rate(Local Units). Refer below screenshot.

  5. Save

  6. Add CAD currency in Product Configuration (Administration -> Data Management -> Products -> Product Configuration). Refer below screenshot.

Last updated