Security Matrix

This screen will allow the Administrator to allow/deny GUMU™ integration access rights to specific Sage CRM users.‌

Here is a detail list of what each of the access rights mean.

Access Rights


View Customer Info

Ability to view the Sage 100 customer tab under the company entity.

Promote Customer

Ability to promote a customer to Sage 100 from Sage CRM

View Sales summary

Ability to view the Sage 100 Sales Summary info for a particular customer under the company entity.

View AR Inquiry

Ability to view the Open and Closed invoices for a particular customer under the company entity.

View Order Inquiry

Ability to view the Open and Close Sales Orders for a particular customer under the company.

Promote Orders

Ability to promote a sales order from Sage CRM to Sage 100 for Sage 100 integrated customers.

View Item Sales Summary

Ability to view the Sage 100 Item Sales Summary info for a particular customer under the company for the selected Item, Year and Ship To.

Promote AR Invoice

Ability to promote an AR Invoice from Sage CRM to Sage 100 for Sage 100 integrated customers.

GUMU™ Dashboard

Ability to view the GUMU™ Dashboard

Promote Vendor

Ability to promote a vendor to Sage 100 from Sage CRM.

View Vendor summary

Ability to view Vendor summary info for a particular vendor under the company entity.

View vendor receipt history

Ability to view vendor receipt history info for a particular vendor under the company for the selected Item, Year and Ship To

View purchase order Inquiry

Ability to view the Purchase order for a particular vendor under the company

View AP invoice History

Ability to view AP invoice history for a particular vendor under the company

View Cost

Ability to view cost fields against GUMU™ tabs such as A/R Invoices, Sales Summary, Item Sales History, etc.

View Inactive Customers

Ability to view the Sage 100 Inactive customers who have not made any purchase in last 24 months

‌Select the rights for each user and click on ‘Save’ button.

Last updated