Use Case

• Journal Entries are created under journal GJ. • Let us see how a GL transaction from Blackline would import into Sage Intacct • Below is a CSV template of a GL Transaction extracted from Blackline.

• The csv file name should contain ‘gltransaction’ as in the above file. This will be loaded in SFTP folder path: ‘SB/Journals/BLToClient’

• Click "Play" on the above process or schedule the process at desired interval.

• Click "Refresh" to view logs.

• Login Sage Intacct >> Journal Entries Imports >> All >> Components >> Journal Entries Imports: to view the Journal Entry inserted into Sage Intacct

To view the GL transaction >> General Ledger >> Journal Entries >> General Journal (GJ) >> Click ‘View Transaction’

Below is the GL transaction from Blackline inserted into Sage Intacct.

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