Release Notes
This page provides information about the new features, enhancements implemented, issues addressed, and any known existing (if any) issues in the GUMU™ for Salesforce - Sage ERP Integration.
Upcoming Features & Road Map: -
This section will highlight the new features to be added to the Standard product.
Multi-Currency Handling
Quote, Order, Sales Invoice
Multi-Currency Handling for AR Invoice
Multi-Currency Handling for Purchase Orders and AP Invoice
2GP Packaging
Second-generation managed packaging (managed 2GP) ushers in a new way for AppExchange partners to develop, distribute, and manage their apps and metadata. Salesforce recently introduced this change to organize sources better, build small modular packages, integrate with a custom version control system, and better utilize existing Apex code. With version control being the source of truth, there are no packaging or patch orgs. Instead, you can execute all packaging operations via Salesforce CLI or automate them using scripts. Submit second-generation managed packages for security review, and list them on AppExchange. More details available at Salesforce website.
Bulk Update (Account, Address, Contact)
This feature is under to update Account addresses and contact in bulk. For more information on how this feature works, please refer to the below
Blog link: - GUMU™ Features – Bulk Account Update
GUMU™ Console
The GUMU™ Console is the new feature in the GUMU™ integration. It’s entirely focused on the functionality of the GUMU™ Settings app, like import routine and Mapping purposes. This also indicates the Logs in a Graphical format so that the User can identify the Status of the various processes. In addition, GUMU™ Console also provides the notification option as whenever the import routine process is completed, it’ll notify the selected members of the process or if there are any errors. For more information on how this feature works, please refer to the below
Blog link: - New Functionality available in GUMU™ through GUMU™ Console
Enhancement to Sage Intacct Integration:
Support Realtime inquiry and align the product features at par with our other Sage Integrations.
GUMU v5.74
The version consist of the following enhancements and issue fixes. This version was released in October 2023.
Features and Enhancements
Segregation of Import Routine
Users can utilize the feature to classify the List of Import Routines/Mappings by utilizing the newly introduced "Type" field. If the users desire to choose a specific type, they can select from the list of available types, details of the same are explained in the blog.
Added Descriptions for all the Import Routines
In addition to the segregation we have further added description field which can be useful for documenting specific characteristics or functionalities of the entity. Such as providing additional information or details about the entity being mapped Sage 100, Sage 300C, and Sage X3 System with Salesforce. It helps users, administrators, or developers involved in the integration process to have a clear understanding of the entity being mapped. Users will get descriptions for pre-defined import routines when package is installed and also, they can change/modify descriptions from Detailed View of Entities – Description of all Import Routines
Further enhancements to Mappings in Import Routine
With the latest upgrade, users can now save the mappings they have created, even if they choose to deactivate them. This enhanced functionality empowers users to revisit and reuse mappings at their convenience without the fear of losing their valuable configurations. Clicking on the "Save" option will preserve the mappings configurations, allowing users to access and reactivate it whenever necessary.
In addition, we have also added Sequencing feature to the mapping, which allows users to experience an orderly and efficient data integration process. It assigns a distinctive sequence number to each record based on when it is inserted and any subsequent edits or additions to the mappings.
ERP Addresses Fields tab on Accounts Layout
In the past, all the ERP fields were shown within the Details section. However, we have implemented a new tab labelled "ERP Addresses and Fields" on the Accounts record page. Within this tab, you can find fields like AR Division No., Customer No., Terms Code, Ship Method, Tax Schedule, Salesperson Number, Integration Key, External UID, and Fax.
Addressed Issues
Area | Description |
Entity Mapping Import | In this release, we have addressed the issue that users reported concerning the missing field displays in Email, Tax Group, Category, and Extended Price. |
Sales Order Tax Calculation | The previous package had inaccuracies in the calculation of Tax and Grand Total amounts for Sage X3 systems. |
Accounts Address Save & Promote | For Sage X3, if user promotes any Account the associated address also gets promoted but the button on Address records still displayed “Save and Promote”. Now, after promotion the label will be auto updated to “Save and Update”. |
Security Matrix | Prior when the box was unchecked to disable a specific functionality, such as Promote Customer or Promote Order, the functionality would still exeute, which was incorrect. However we have rectified this issue, in the recent package, and now changes made at the user level function as expected. |
Quote Entry Data Handling | Earlier when user neglected to choose an "Expiration Date" before adding a product to the Quote, the "Product Family" and "UOM" fields would become empty which wouldn’t let the user to save the added products. Now we've introduced a validation message, instructing the user to "Please select the Expiration Date" before proceeding. This ensures that the expiration date is set before adding a product. |
GUMU v5.66
The version consist of the following enhancements and issue fixes. This version was released in January 2023.
Features and Enhancements
AR Invoice
AR Invoice in the classic version. A new import routine has been added for Sage 300C in which the dynamic mapping is added for distribution code at the time of AR Invoice promotion. Due to this, the user will have access to choose the distribution code for AR Invoice promotion.
Special Character Handling
For a key field that do not handle specific special character, we have added a validation message to handle the special character at the time of promotion of the data. Validation is provided on key fields to handle the special character at the time of data promotion.
Real-Time PDF Inquiry Enhancement
Created one field in the ‘data page detail’ object called “VF PDF page” which is used to add the customizable VF page to create your own PDF format. It will allow the user to add his own format of PDF (It will be additional development as the creation of the PDF format will be on the Visualforce Page) - PDF Enhancement
Enhanced Filter for Data Linkage
When the user tries to map the Salesforce Account with the ERP Customer (& Salesforce Users to ERP Salesperson), the filter has been modified to simplify the process, making it easier to find the desired Customer (or Salesperson) for linkage. User can filter out the ERP records based on key fields (such as Name, Code, etc.), it will search for the record in ERP and the result will be displayed in Tabular format through which the user can link the record in Salesforce. Example for Customer discussed in this blog.
Addressed Issues
Area | Description |
AR Invoice | AR Invoice Shipping and Billing address lookup filled text field clear issue after deselecting Customer. |
Entity Mapping/Import | On the Preview button, some users reported issue in pagination, and data display which was handled. |
Entity Mapping/Import | On the schedule page, user reported inconsitency with the window size while using in mobile view. |
Order Promotion | User reported error on the data transfer to Sage while trying to utilize the Promote Order functionality from Standard layout. |
GUMU v5.57
The version consist of the following enhancements and issue fixes. This version was released in June 2022.
Features and Enhancements
Quick Line Entry (Quote)
Using the feature of Quick Line Entry, the User will be able to add multiple records with a single button click and fetch real-time data for all the products added. Users can also set default values to the product lines. It also gives the option to restrict the visibility of a field for a particular user or profile.
Real-time Product Inquiry
This feature will allow users to view Realtime Information on Product which can be experienced when a Sales Rep creates and add/update products to its Sales Orders in Salesforce using the GUMU™ application. For more information on how this feature works, please refer to the below blog link: -
Addressed Issues
Area | Description |
Quote | Auto Populate the ERP details from the linked Promoted Account |
Multi-Company | Auto-populate the Default integration when promoting records. |
Auto Populate fields | After clicking on add new products, the pricelist value should be selected by default as per Account ERP Information. |
Auto Populate fields | Warehouse to be auto populated on Sales Order from Quotes |
Order | After entering the data in additional fields in the comment field, the data of the comment field should pass in ERP. |
GUMU v5.44
The version consist of the following enhancements and issue fixes. This version was released in March 2022.
Features and Enhancements
Preview Data
This feature will provide the User the ability to preview & validate the ERP data before it is imported into Salesforce CRM. For more information on how this feature works, please refer to the belowBlog link: - GUMU™ Features – Sage ERP Data Preview
Purchase Order Add-on for Sage 300 and Sage 100
This feature will provide User the ability to create a purchase order and promote from Salesforce to the Sage: - For more information on how this feature works, please refer to the below blog link: -
Quick Line Entry (Order)
Using the feature of Quick Line Entry, the User will be able to add multiple records with a single button click and fetch real-time data for all the products added. Users can also set default values to the product lines. It also gives the option to restrict the visibility of a field for a particular user or profile. After saving the records, you can promote records from SF to ERP with a button click. For more information on how this feature works, please refer to the below Blog link: -
Addressed Issues
Area | Description |
Account | Custom fields are not updated on a real-time basis when updated from Salesforce to Sage ERP. |
Address | Def_Shipping Address (if it is Yes), then Ship_To_Address is not mandatory |
Import routine | Import routine master check box should be checked in the package for Parent objects. |
Import Schedule | Import should not run during maintenance time. |
Order | Integration Pricebook to be auto populated when Order is created from the GUMU Integration interface. |
Order Edit Layout | Alignment issue of fields in case of a larger number on the Order screen. |
GUMU v5.39
The version consist of the following enhancements and issue fixes. This version was released in December 2021.
Features and Enhancements
Sage Intacct Integration from Salesforce:
Our Package support sage integration from Salesforce in addition to Sage X3, Sage 300c, and Sage 100. In Sage integration, we have introduced a few new features like Opportunity promotion as Sales invoices and AR invoices, Configuration of location Entities, and Promote Order. For more information on how this feature works, please refer to the belowBlog link: -
Support Auto generate Customer Number
In this feature, while promoting a Customer, Auto-generate the number in the specified format instead of manually entering the customer number program.
Addressed Issues
Area | Description |
Account | Limit AR division to 2 characters |
Account | An error “Invalid Fax Field mapping.” was encountered while importing the Customer record “Customer Invalid field GUMU__Fax__c for Account error.” |
Import Error | "Get URI error” occur while importing data from Sage ERP to Salesforce due to unique character available in fields. |
Product | Discount and Price level not been applied when product is added |
Import Routine | Required Chain Next Missing when the package is installed |
Order | Remove the Generated Sales Order button from the Order layout and add it to the Quote layout. On click, the Order should be generated automatically and displayed in the Sales Order tab available in the GUMU Integration App launcher. |
Security Rights | Currently providing special rights to Users at the user level, rights are only applicable profile-wise. |
Order | Pricebook to be auto populated when Order is generated from Quote layout. |
Order | "Post URI error” occurs while Promoting Data from SF to Sage ERP Due to Special Characters in the record value |
GUMU v5.20
The version consist of the following enhancements and issue fixes. This version was released in March 2021.
Features and Enhancements
Sage 50 (US) integration with Salesforce
Our GUMU™ for Sage CRM – Sage 50 Integration is an external bi-directional utility that can synchronize Customer and Order data from Salesforce to Sage 50 and vice versa. This utility can be scheduled further to automate these synchronization processes.
Addressed Issues
Area | Description |
Import routine | An error occurred while creating the default entity and mapping of Sage 300 Cloud |
Import Routine | With the Click of the Refresh button, existing mapping is cleared out. |
Product Family | Standard field mapping missing for Product Family import routine. |
Real-time screen | The User cannot add a new field to Account, Inquiry, or Shipment Realtime screen. |
GUMU v5.13
The version consist of the following enhancements and issue fixes. This version was released in December 2020.
Features and Enhancements
Field Level setup
The field-level security tab is used on a real-time inquiry screen where the User can add multiple fields to see the data from Sage. For more information on how this feature works, please refer to the Blog link: - Setting up Fields on GUMU™ Real-Time Inquiry Screen
Field Security
This feature provides Field Accessibility at Profile and User Level, and accordingly, it will display the fields on the Realtime inquiry screen. So, if you want field access in real-time to be denied. For more information on how this feature works, please refer to the belowBlog link: - Field Accessibility / Configuration on GUMU™ Real-time Inquiry Screen
PDF Preview ERP Enquiry
This feature allows the User to convert real-time information of the Customer’s corresponding record into PDF format. This feature is used for all integrations of Sage 100, Sage 300c, and Sage X3. For more information on how this feature works, please refer to the below Blog link: - Viewing Customer real-time Inquiry in PDF file for faster response
Addressed Issues
Area | Description |
Import routine | Import routine should continue when an error occurs for a particular record. |
Order Products | The product line is not displaying an updated amount when the Product Quantity is changed on the ERP product screen. |
Sales Order List | The list layout alignment is not aligned with the column sequence |
Account | Required ERP fields are not made mandatory when the package is installed. |
Realtime Screen | Currency and Data format are not displayed appropriately on the Realtime screen. |
Realtime Reports | The PDF generated displays old record |
Salesperson | The salesperson import routine is missing from the package. |
Ship To | Standard required mapping is missing in the Ship To import routine. |
Order | Order Amount is ‘NAN’ on Sales Order Screen |
Address | Address not promoted when promoting the Account |
Order | Duplication issue External UID format for Promote order and order import is different. |
Contact | Contact not promoted when promoting the Contact |
Contact | Contact to be auto-promoted when newly created against a promoted account |
Product | The price is to be imported to the Integration price book when importing the product. |
Order | Order Tax not calculated for Order total |
Last updated