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Why this is needed? Data transfer between Sage Intacct and Synchronoss is achieved using csv file. The file format is fixed for the integration.
What are the file formats? Sage Intacct Account Payable Invoice/Adjustment import file format • Import file specification as supplied by Synchronoss/CallOne. • File will include both bills and adjustments. In addition, will create bills and adjustments in Sage Intacct Incoming file must be in CSV format. • File name must include text “bills”. For e.g. CObills10232020.csv is a valid file name. • Execute process/job manually instead of scheduling for testing purposes. Upload import files on ftp; directory – FTP Directory parameter as specified on SFTP/FTP connector. Execute the following process from GUMU™
Sage Intacct Accounts Payable payment export files format • Export file in a format as supplied by Synchronoss/CallOne. • File will be CSV format. • Exported file name would be CLOAPFMMDDYYYY.csv • Execute process/job manually instead of scheduling for testing purposes. Upon execution export file will be uploaded to directory – FTP Export Folder parameter specified on Integration configuration. • To Check Exported file Go to SFTP Server > Open Export Data Folder > Select file by checking current Date and Time.