Sales Order

Promote Sales Order from Salesforce to Sage 100 ERP

Our GUMU™ SAGE ERP Integration for Salesforce (Sage 100, Sage X3 and Sage 300) is a real time bi-directional link which syncs data from Salesforce to Sage 100 and vice versa. Using GUMU™ user can promote Sales Order from Salesforce to Sage ERP. Here, in this blog, we will discuss how to promote Sales Order from Salesforce to Sage 100 ERP.

Please follow the below steps how to create Sales Order in Salesforce using GUMU™ SAGE 100 ERP.

Login to Salesforce.

Go to App menu and select “GUMU Integration” App. Click on “Sales Order” tab. From here you can view promoted Sales order OR can create and promote Sales order to the Sales force to Sage ERP.

Select the product code from lookup provided in the screen. After selecting product other details will auto populate.

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