Configuration Section

Fill in the below-required details.

Field Name


DSN Name

This is the system DSN (Data Source Name) name created by the setup. DSN contains the configuration information provided in the setup to connect to Sage 100. “GUMU™MAS90”is the default value. (Do not change/edit this.)

Company Code

It is the Sage 100 Company Code which you want to integrate with your Sage CRM.

Company Description

Fill in the Company description as set in Sage 100 for corresponding company code.

Sage 100 Home Directory

This is the path wherein Sage 100 home directory is installed. For instance, it would be Program Files\Sage Software\Sage 100\Version4\MAS90\Home.

Sage 100 User Name

User Id of the Sage 100 user with admin level rights.

Sage 100 Password

Password of the Sage 100 user which is configured in the Sage 100 User Name field.


This field provides the option to set the integration direction. You have the following options

One Way- Sage CRM to Sage 100: The data would be updated on a real time basis, only from Sage CRM to Sage 100 and not from Sage 100 to Sage CRM.

One Way- Sage 100 to Sage CRM: The data would be updated on a real time basis, only from Sage 100 to Sage CRM and not from Sage CRM to Sage 100.

Both: The data would be updated bi-directionally on a real time basis from both the systems.

None: The integration is disabled. Data from neither system would be updated.

Sage 100 Version

Put the version of your Sage 100 system like 5.0,5.1,5.2,5.3,5.4

Prospect Customer

Specify sample customer number which is present in Sage100. This customer number is used to create quotes for a prospect. All default information (pricing, Taxes) will get loaded as per this sample customer number for prospect.

Refer the below Link for more details-

Price Calculation for Non-promoted customer in Sage CRM (prospect)

Create A/R Invoice

If user wants to create and promote AR Invoices from Sage CRM to Sage 100, user can check this checkbox. This functionality is available only in GUMU™ Complete Integration.

Vendor Integration

If this check box is checked, it will enable Vendor Integration Functionality part i.e. Promote and Import Vendors from Sage CRM to Sage 100.

Integrate Account Manager with Salesperson

If this check box is checked, it will integrate Account Manger field of Company summary screen with Sage 100 Sales person based on Sales persons mapped in MAP CRM Users section.

Edit Order

If this checkbox is checked, it will enable Edit Order functionality part i.e. user can update promoted Orders from Sage CRM to Sage 100.

Generate GUMU™ Logs

If this checkbox is checked, user can view GUMU™ error logs under below directory,

Promote Records (Customer/Order/Invoice) and GUMU™ Tabs: User can check error message at below path of Sage CRM installation directory, “C:\Program Files\Sage\CRM\CRM\CustomDotNet\”

Real time Sage CRM to Sage 100 changes : For real time changes between Sage CRM to Sage 100 ,GUMU™ create a logs at the below path of GUMU™ installation directory. “C:\Program Files\Greytrix\GUMU™ for Sage CRM Server – Complete\GUMU™\”

Sage 100 Server Name

Enter the Sage 100 server name in this text box.

Default Company

If this checkbox is checked, then it will consider that company code as a default company code.

This default company code is used while creating quotes\Order for a prospect. All the default information (pricing, Taxes) will get loaded as per this default company code.

Is Linked Server present?

The setup of linked servers is determined by the configuration of Sage 100. This configuration option enables users to indicate whether the linked server has been established. By utilizing the linked server, we are able to access the Sage 100 database and display real-time charts and the Kendo grid.

If the Sage 100 version is SQL version only then fill in SQL server details or leave it blank.

SQL Details


SQL Server Name

Put the SQL server Name where Sage 100 Database is stored.

SQL Company Instance Name

Specify Sage 100 company instance name, which is attached to SQL server. For example Sage 100_ABC, Sage 100_XYZ

Impersonation Section

Windows Authentication


Domain Name

The network domain name where Sage CRM exists

Windows User

Specify domain user with administrative rights

Windows Password

Password of the domain user

4. A successful save would take you to the configuration List where you will be able to see the configuration record just added. Since GUMU™ is multiple-company integration you can add more companies (of the same Sage 100 install) to the list following similar steps.

Last updated