
Entity Mapping/Import:-

a) GUMU TM Integration is a real-time bi-directional integration link that synchs data between Salesforce Org and Sage ERP Systems (Sage 300, Sage 100 and Sage EM).

b) In the Import Routine, user has an option to sync data between the ERP systems with the schedule routine.

c) Through schedule routine, user can schedule the synch process at specified time and date, thus avoiding any of the manual work involved in the process.

d) Scheduling data is generic for all integration packages involved with the ERP systems.

e) The main motive behind the schedule import is to update the Salesforce entity (Account, product or any) with the updated changes in the corresponding integrated Sage ERP systems.

In Order to process schedule routine in Import data, navigate to GUMU Settings page and click on the Import Data option as highlighted below:

 Click on any Import Routine say (“Customer”)

 Click on the “View/Edit” Icon of Customer as highlighted in below image

Set schedule for the import routine based on the schedule type as per displayed in the below image. The import routine for the Customers will automatically run based on the schedule type set in the import Customer routine.

The schedule types are listed as below:

Daily (Advanced selection is available for time)



Weekly (as per the Days)

  • Select the entity for which you want to run the import routine and go to the “Details” tab.

  • Click on “Mapping” tab to map Target field with Source field.

  • Click on "Refresh Fields" Select the field which you want to map and Click "Save"(Refer below Image).

  • Click on “Filter” tab to add filter.

  • Click on “Edit” button.

  • Click on “Add filter Row” button to add filter criteria.

  • Select “Source Field” value from drop down, which shows all the fields of Sage 300 related to the API name.

  • Select “Operator” value from drop down.

  • Enter the “Value”.

  • Click on Active checkbox to activate the filter.

  • Click on “Save” button (For more Clarification Refer the below image).

  • Now, to set the relationship, you need to select the Lookup field which was created in the Salesforce Object. In the “Target Field” and the “Source Field” you will have to select the ERP field followed by the “Parent Object” of the “Target Field”. For better understanding refer the image below.

  • Once the schedule is set, the pre-defined import routine will get triggered as per type, date and time. The status of the import routine can also be viewed through the log tab as it states when the process has been started and ended.

  • Apart from schedule time, you can also use “Sync Now” Button to import the data from Sage 300 ERP to Salesforce.

  • The schedule configuration also applies to the import routine that has been set in the Chain Next Field so for example; if Import Ship-to location is set in the Chain Next field of Import Customer; so in this scenario the schedule configured for Import Customer routine will automatically apply to the Import Customer Ship-to location and the subsequent process gets started. This will be applied to the subsequent chains as well for the objects.

Last updated