Integration Configuration

Fill integration configuration required for the integration to execute successfully.



Connector Name

Please input the name you had like to assign to your custom connector.


Enter Your Journal Name

GL Mapping Needed

Select GL Mapping Needed fied from dropdown which you want to select

Department Id

Enter your Department Id

Location ID

Enter Your Location ID

Payment Account

Enter Your Payment Account Number

Discount Account

Enter Your Discount Account Number

Sales Account

Enter your Sales Account Number

Sale Tax Account

Enter Sale Tax Account Number

Posting Mode

Select Posting Mode from dropdown which you want to select

Customer ID

Enter Default Customer ID

Rounding Account

Enter Rounding Account Number

Cash Refund Account

Enter Cash Refund Account Number

Discount Refund Account

Enter Discount Refund Account Number

Sales Refund Account

Enter Sales Refund Account Number

Sale Tax Refund Account

Enter Sale Tax Refund Account Number

Non Cash Account

Enter Non Cash Account Number

Non Cash Refund Account

Enter Non Cash Refund Account number

GL Batch Type

Enter GL batch Type

City of chico Tax

Enter City of Chico Tax

Cash Account

Enter Cash Account Number

Credit Card Payment Account

Enter Credit Card Payment Account

AERO Payment Account

Enter AERO Payment Account Number

CA Excise Tax

Enter CA Excise Tax


Enter your time zone

Last updated