Import Custom Field

The Import Custom Field routine process is used to display Year-To-Date (YTD), Last Year-To-Date (LYTD), Last Invoice Date, and Last Sales Order data which displays customer sales information of the current year as well as of last year under YTD and LYTD fields.‌

When we initially install GUMU, this feature is disabled by default. Users can enable this functionality by following the below steps,‌

  • Login into Sage CRM.

  • Go to Administration-> Customization->Translation

  • Search for the caption Code as ‘ImportCustomfield

  • Select that Translation and change the US and UK translation from ‘N’ to ‘Y’

  • Run the Refresh Metadata.

Once the user is done with the above steps, the Import Custom fields option is visible under the Sage 100 Administration menu where there are 3 checkboxes Sales YTD, Last Invoice Date, and Last Sales Order Date for which the user wants to sync the data in Sage CRM.‌

​Users can select any checkbox and can select any one of the criteria either Date or Customer Number range to import custom fields for customers into Sage CRM. As shown below screenshot‌

Last updated