Address Creation and Promotion

To promote an Address the Account should be promoted or linked to Sage X3.

  1. Creating the Shipping/Billing Address while promoting the Account is mandatory.

  2. Once completed with promoting the Account, then it gets automatically promoted to Sage X3. As shown in the below image B01 and S01 are the promoted Addresses.

  1. Click the "New Address" button, to add an additional Shipping/Billing Address for the Account.

  1. Choose the Address Type (Shipping or Billing) from the dropdown menu, ensuring that you change the Address Code to avoid duplication. Complete all the necessary details. In the image above, multiple Shipping and Billing Addresses have been created as examples.

Address Details

  1. To view/edit the promoted shipping address click on the pencil icon under the Action panel to edit (bottom left).

  1. After making the updates, let's review the changes in Sage X3 to gain a clearer understanding of the real-time adjustments.

Last updated