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If you do not have an account, then register new using the below steps.
User will open
Click on Login / Sign up
Click on Register
Steps to register a new user.
Enter Username (Rule - Username must be minimum 6 characters)
Enter First Name, Last Name
Enter an Email address, Phone Number
Create Password, Repeat Password (Rule - Password must be a minimum of 8 characters and should contain at least one small alphabet, one capital alphabet, one number, and one special symbol.)
Enter Company Name.
Select Connectors. (This drop-down is the list of all connector currently supported by GUMU™, the user will select the connector required for integration)
Important Note: The User will be able to select multiple connectors in a single registration.
Click on Terms and Conditions to understand the privacy policy of a company.
Then click the checkbox to agree on those conditions.
If all data entered is valid then the Register button will enable and click to register the user.
On this page, click on Log in to redirect to the login page or click on Back to Website for the home page.
Important Note: All fields are mandatory in the Registration process.