User Permission Settings

System administrator of Sage CRM, can provide Sage Intacct Company wise restrictive access of Sage Intacct integrated data to all the Sage CRM users. He can decide whether to allow/deny Sage Intacct integrated data access to particular Sage CRM user for particular Sage Intacct Company. There are below rights which Sage CRM system administrator can provide to CRM users.

  1. View Customer Info

  2. View AR Inquiries

  3. View Order Inquiries

  4. Promote Customer

  5. Update Customer

  6. Promote Sales Order

Sage CRM System Admin user can access this setting by navigating to below path in Sage CRM.

  • Administration-> Sage Intacct-> User Permission Settings

  • As shown in below screenshot, on click of Add New button, admin user can assign permission to Sage CRM users as per Sage Intacct Company.

In below screenshot, permission is assigned to System Administrator user for GreytrixMPP-DEV Company.

In below another screenshot, for user System Administrator all the rights are given for GreytrixMPP-DEV Company and for other William Dolan user only view customer rights are given for GreytrixMPP-DEVCompany that means System Administrator can access all the activities related to GreytrixMPP-DEV Company of Sage Intacct while William Dolan can access only view customer of GreytrixMPP-DEV Company of Sage Intacct. He will not be able to see AR Inquiry, Order Inquiry, Promote Customer, Update Customer and Promote Sales Order.

Also if user want to change the settings which is already assign to any Sage CRM user then just by clicking on User name in grid System administrator can edit it.

Note - If user uncheck Update Customer then the real time Customer/Address/Contact level changes from Sage CRM to Sage Intacct will not work.

Last updated