GUMU™ Configuration with Sage X3 Pool and Folder

The user can integrate multiple folders of the Sage X3 system with a single Sage CRM instance.

For Configuring Sage CRM with Sage X3

  • Go to the Sage CRM Administration menu.

  • Click on the Sage X3 --> Configuration --> New button. It will navigate you to the GUMU™ Configuration screen.

Add the information on the new configuration entry page. The GUMU™ Configuration entry fields are explained in the table below.



Sage X3 Web service URL

Sage X3 Web service URL

Sage X3 Web service Pool Name

Sage X3 web service Pool name.

Sage X3 Web Service User Name

Sage X3 Web service User Name. This User should be a dedicated user and should be used only for the Purpose of GUMU™ integration.

Sage X3 Web service User password

Sage X3 Web service User’s password


Dropdown to select Sync Status of integration

  1. One Way Sage CRM to ERP: - If the user sets this option data will flow only one way from CRM to ERP.

  2. One Way ERP to Sage CRM: - If the user sets this option data will flow only from ERP to Sage CRM.

  3. Both:- If the user sets this option, GUMU™ will synch data on the bi-directional basis

Folder Name

Sage X3 Folder Name that you want to Integrate.

Sage X3 version

Select the Sage X3 version that you have selected at the time of GUMU™ installation.

Sage X3 database Name

Provide the proper Sage X3 database name as like in SQL.


The user will have to set the Discount as defined in Sage X3 under the Price List Discount 1 field.

Discount field Functionality - The user can create quotes and orders in Sage CRM by adding discounts online Item level and later on can promote quotes and orders into Sage X3. The discount amount will get promoted into the Discount 1 field of Sage X3. Discount will be calculated either on Percentage or on Amount that will be applied directly through Sage X3. It is applied as it is defined in Sage X3 under the pricing structure in the Discount 1 field. If the user set the percentage in the Discount 1 field of the pricing structure in Sage X3 then the discount will be calculated as per percentage and if the user set amount in the Discount 1 field of the pricing structure in Sage X3 then discounts will be calculated as per amount.

Prospect Customer

Specify the sample customer number that is present in Sage X3. This customer number is used to create quotes and orders for a prospect in Sage CRM.

Refer to the below Link for more details-

New feature – Creating Quotes and Orders for Prospects (Non-Promoted Customers) using the GUMUX3 connector

Domain name

Enter the Window domain name

Windows Username

Enter the Windows username. Windows should have admin level rights.

Windows Password

Enter Windows password

Note: Sage X3 web service URL is the same for the system up to the V8 version. For a system with version V9 and above URL is changed.

  1. The URL format for Sage X3 up to V8 version: http://<<Machine Name>>:<<Apache Port number>>/adxwsvc/services/CAdxWebServiceXmlCC?wsdl

  2. The URL format for Sage X3 from V9 and onwards: http://<<MachineName>>:<<ApachePortnumber>>/soap-generic/Syracuse/collaboration/Syracuse /CAdxWebServiceXmlCC Eg - http://SAGEV11ERP:8124//soap-generic/Syracuse/collaboration/Syracuse /CAdxWebServiceXmlCC

To find out your Apache Port number:

  1. Open SAFE X3 Consoles.

  2. Select the Webservers option.

  3. Click on Configuration.

  4. “all.apache.apacheport” is your required port number.

Select the Save button. This initiates a connection to the ERP system.

Last updated