
Why this is needed

On GUMU™ cloud portal, Shopify is act as a Target as well as source.

How this is done?

Steps to Login Shopify:

1.Click on link mentioned below:

2.Login into Shopify using Email address, Password and store name.

For configuration of the store

Navigation path: Shopify > Go to Apps > Click on Manage private apps

a) Click on Enable private app development

b) Check all the checkbox and Click on Enable private app development as shown in below image

c) Enter the private app name and emergency developer email.

d) Select all of the Admin API permissions and assign access as shown in below images.

e) Select the latest version of API and check all the Storefront API permissions. Click on Save

Note : Once App created successfully, Go to Apps > Click on Manage private apps > Click on the private app name.

  • The highlighted fields ( Webservice Url, Store Name, API version, API password, and API key) are used while configuring the Shopify Connection information in the integration configuration on the Gumu portal.

For configuration of shopify, go to settings.

  • General: All the information is filled while creating the Shopify Account.

  • Location: Shopify Location name should be same as given in the Sage 100 Warehouse i.e. Combine the (Warehouse ID - Name) as shown in the below image. You can add more than one location.

  • Sage 100 Location (Warehouse) - Navigation path: Inventory management -> Setup -> Warehouse code maintenance -

3.Taxes: Shopify will calculate its own tax according to the State selection. Selection of State and Sales tax id should be same in both Sage 100 and Shopify.

Shopify Tax Setting:

Sage 100 Tax Setting:

Note : While creating Orders in Shopify, according to the selection of Customers, in some states, Taxes are applied on Shipping charges too. So you need to do the changes in Sage 100 for proper Order Total Calculation. The following setting to be done in the Tax screen as given in the image:

I. Sales Tax Class Maintenance = Sage 100 navigation: Modules > Library Master > Setup > Sales Tax Class Maintenance.

Add Tax Class and Description ( i.e. TF and Taxable Freight, TX and Taxable, etc ).

II. Sales Tax Schedule Maintenance= Sage 100 navigation: Modules > Library Master > Setup > Sales Tax Schedule Maintenance.

Add Tax Schedule Code and Description properly according to the State tax and County tax.

III. Sales Tax Code Maintenance= Sage 100 navigation: Modules > Library Master > Setup > Sales Tax Code Maintenance.

Add Tax Rate according to the State. If the state is charging Tax on Shipping charge in Shopify, Check the box and add tax rate in both Taxable and Taxable Freight. If not charging Tax on Shipping charge in Shopify, then only add the tax rate and check the box in the Taxable field and uncheck the taxable freight check box.

4.Shipping : Sage 100 navigation: Sales Order > Setup > Shipping Rate maintenance. Selection of Shipping Code and Name should be same in both the Site (Sage 100 and Shopify).

Note : While creating Orders in Shopify, Shipping charges are applied in Shopify. So if you are already assigned the values to shipping charges in Sage 100, Orders that arrived from Shopify will calculate the charges added in 100 too and mismatch the Total. If you don’t want to add the charges applied in Sage 100 for Order Calculation then you need to change the setting to NO as given in the image (Sage 100 navigation: Sales Order > Setup > Sales Order Options > Entry Tab.). It will not calculate the values assigned in Sage 100 for Freight Charges. It will only take the values which is assigned in Shopify Shipping charges while arriving Orders.

Last updated