
Adding Remote Site settings:-

In our GUMU integration, we use Web service to communicate with Sage ERP. Before configuring the Web service in GUMU™ configuration we need to specify and save the URL in Salesforce Remote Site settings. Adding Web service in remote site settings is an essential part of configuring Integration with Salesforce system

Steps to add web-site in remote site settings:

-> Login to Salesforce. -> Navigate to the Setup – Administration Setup – Security Controls – Remote Site Settings.

-> Click on New Remote Site button to add a new site.

-> Enter the Remote Site Name and Remote Site URL. -> Click on “Save” button to complete current setting or else click on “Save & New” button to save your site and begin adding a new site.

Let’s take into consideration that one fine day, you came to your office and the users started reporting that they are unable to see the real-time information on the inquiry screen. Now you as an administrator

After successful installation of this package in Salesforce organization you will see new App menus called as GUMU Integration and GUMU Settings. Refer below image-

The connection to basically all the Sage ERP systems are similar with some variance in the fields.

Setup ERP Configuration

We will now configure Salesforce so that it will be able to connect to Sage 300 ERP which we need to integrate.


  • Click on “GUMU Settings” tab --> Click on Configuration --> Click on New Integration(as shown in below image)

Enter all the details as mentioned below:-

⦁ Enter the Web service URL of Sage 300 ERP system:

Format should be like this:


⦁ Name of the Integration for configuration purpose.

⦁ Synchronization setting ( User can set to the below listed sync options)

  1. ERP to Salesforce

  2. Salesforce to ERP

  3. Both

⦁ Default: User can set as a default integration in the ERP Configuration.

⦁ Inactive: User has an option to set the checkbox as Inactive.

⦁ Company Code: Company Code of Sage 300 ERP System.

⦁ User-name and Password of Sage 300 ERP Company.

Configuration Buttons



Test Connection

This will test the provided connection credentials are correct or not. It will show message either Test Connection Successful

Or Test Connection Failed.


This will save/update the specified connection credentials into the Salesforce object. Also, it will check credentials are correct or not. If not then the credentials would not be

Saved/updated into the system.


This will cancel the current operation and would be taken

back to Integration list.

  • A successful save would take you to the Integration List where you will be able to see the configuration record just added.

Synchronization Settings:

  • Integration Entity always consists of mappings of fields between Source ERP system and target Salesforce Org.

  • GUMU Integration creates default entities and its mappings along with the Target Entity and Web-service method during the installation. For this, user has to click on the “+” Button placed under the Action panel(See highlighted):

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