Link Account

Link Account:-

  • One of the salient features of GUMUTM Integration is the provision to link existing Salesforce Accounts with the Sage 300 ERP Customers based on the customer names.

  • Once accounts get linked then the user can see real time information of that particular linked ERP customer in Salesforce. Also, user can create Sales order for that linked account and promote into Sage 300 ERP system.

  • Also the linked Account gets assigned with the corresponding Integration key along with the linked Sage 300 Customer Number.

  • Follow the below steps in order to achieve this:

a) Navigate to GUMU Settings tab.

b) Click on the “Link Account” Tab as highlighted in the below image.

  • The user can filter the Account name to find any specific account by entering the “From Account Name” and “To Account Name” fields.

  • Click on the “Get List” button to get the linked Accounts/Customer list as shown in the below image.

  • In addition, user can click on the “Finder” icon under Action panel to search the Customer number in Sage 300 ERP system. Also we can clear the value using “Clear” icon under Action Panel.

  • Select the value from Lookup for one account.

  • After Selecting a Value for Customer, Click on "Link" button to create relationship between Sage 300 and Salesforce for particular Account(Refer the below image).

In this way, the user can link the relationship between Salesforce Account and Sage 300 Customer records.

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