
This guide outlines Sage Intacct - Treez Integration and provides systematic instructions to install and configure Treez GL Entry and Sage Intacct integration. Treez is added as a connector and will be available to set up integration with Sage Intacct. Note: For testing purposes, integration is setup with our development sandbox.

Treez is the enterprise seed to sale & cannabis retail software platform powering dispensaries and cultivators.

  • We have incorporated Treez as a connector in our GUMU™ cloud. With phase I; we are just importing summarized GL entries in Sage Intacct against Sales, Refund, discount, tax, and payment entries from Treez

  • For Sales, Sales Refund, Discount, and Discount Refund we are tagging the item dimension and showing it as individual entries by product type

  • We kept separate GL account to put rounding differences

  • We are tagging the customer id dimension from the GUMU™ configuration in Sage Intacct on each line

We have verified the Sales and Sales Refund records from Treez Sales Report.

For getting the required details from Treez we have utilized the Treez Ticket APIs and fetched the record based on the last updated date field of the Ticket record. Since we are not getting the cost-related fields from API’s we haven’t included the same to create GL Entries.

Field Mapping Below are the field mapping of Sage Intacct GL Entry fields with API fields:-

Filter Fields Below are the filters we have included to get the tickets records:-

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