Sales Order


  • Click on Sales Order tab. A list of all Orders in the Salesforce Organization will display. Click on New to create new Sales Order.

  • Select the desired Company where you want to create Order

  • Once the user selects the desired integration and clicks on “New” as shown in above image, a page will open with three tabs where you can add details and promote Sales Order to Sage 300.

  • In first tab “Order Information” you can select a Customer and update their Address required for the specific Order.

  • The second tab “ERP Information” is to select the required ERP details.

  • The Third tab “Order Lines” is to add line items to the Order and Click "Save".

  • After adding all the required details, click on “Save and Promote” button. Once the Sales Order is successfully promoted to Sage 300 ERP, you will receive a notification with the newly generated Sage ERP Order Number.

Last updated