
Click on “New Integration”

In the popup, select the “Sage X3” ERP system name from the drop down menu. Click on “Next”.

Fill Up the details:

  1. Web Service URL: Enter the web service URL in the field provided.

  2. Name: Provide an appropriate name for the configuration. The name should be unique.

  3. Synchronization: Synchronization signifies the direction of the sync. It can be classified as:

  • Salesforce to ERP: Syncs data from Salesforce to ERP. Salesforce is set to be the Master

  • ERP to Salesforce: Syncs data from ERP to Salesforce. Sage is set to be the Master

  • Both: Bidirectional sync. Latest data update in any System is the Master

  1. Default: If selected, the configuration becomes default integration for all the corresponding pages. This is helpful if you don’t want the user to always remember to select the integration.

  2. Inactive: If selected, the configuration becomes inactive.

  3. Pool Name: Provide pool name of X3 ERP to be used for integration.

  4. Pool Username: Provide the username setup for accessing X3 ERP data through pool.

  5. Pool Password: Provide the password setup for accessing X3 ERP data through pool.

  6. X3 Folder Name: Provide the folder name of the Sage X3 ERP system that needs to be integrated with Salesforce.

  7. Language: Provide the language that has been setup in the Sage X3 folder specified above.

  8. Version: Provide the version of the Sage X3 ERP system.

Once all the details are entered, click on “Test Connection” to check if connection is being established.

If the connection is successfully established, click “Save”.

Last updated