
Before starting the installation of the application, please ensure the following pre-requisites are completed in Sage Intacct and Avalara.

Sage Intacct

Webservice User

Please ensure the following steps are completed.

  • Sage Intacct Web Service is enabled

  • Add Web Service Authorizations for Sender id – ajax Navigation: Go to Company > Company Information > Security tab > Scroll down to Web Services authorizations section

    • Add Sender ID – ajax and Status – Active.

  • Add web service authorization for Sender id – GreytrixMPP Navigation: Go to Company > Company Information > Security tab > Scroll down to Web Services authorizations section

    • Add Sender ID – GreytrixMPP and Status – Active.

User Permissions

Create new web service user in Sage Intacct. This user will be attached to integration for making Web service API calls. Make sure the User is separate from other Integration Webservice users.

Go to Company > Web Service user

Web service user must be a Business user having permissions to Order Entry and Accounts Receivables modules.

Importing Customization Package

Customization package needs to be imported for custom fields, Validations and Events that are added on the Location, Item and Order Entry Transaction (Sales Invoice and Sales Credit Memo) to keep a track of the corresponding Avalara Invoices/ Return Invoices.

Go to Platform Services > Custom Packages > New Package > Browse and Choose the “ava_customization.xml” file provided by Greytrix > Import

Location Mapping

Avalara does not support inline locations; it maps location as company in Avalara. Hence, this integration will post one or multiple transactions to corresponding Companies in Avalara based on the locations tagged on the Sales Invoice/Credit Memo line items, so it is required to map Intacct Locations with Avalara Company code. More than one location can point to a single Avalara Company.

Go to Company > Locations > Add/Edit Location > Avalara tab > Map Avalara Company Code > Save

Below is the Location list screen showing Intacct Locations and Avalara Company mappings.

Transaction Definition Setup

Location wise Subtotal Descriptions are added in OE Transaction Definitions to back update the calculated tax from Avalara to Intacct for each location tagged in the OE transaction lines. E.g. Sales Tax Arizona, Sales Tax CRA.

For OE transactions that have lines tagged with location Arizona will sync to corresponding company in Avalara and back update the calculated tax to subtotal description “Sales Tax Arizona” on the OE transaction in Intacct and this will follow for all locations.

Go to Order Entry > Click on Setup > Transaction Definition > Edit Transaction Definition for Sales Invoice > Scroll down to under Accounting – Transaction Subtotal > Add the Subtotal Descriptions for different locations as shown in the screenshots below > Click Save.

Similarly, add location wise Subtotal Descriptions for Sales Credit Memo transaction definition.

Note: Name for the transaction definition in OE should match the name provided in the GUMUTM Account’s Integration Settings. See below.

The Subtotal Label field in the above configuration screen is generic that will be used along with different Locations for subtotals back update in Intacct. Make sure it has a valid and existing subtotal value.

For instance, “Sales Tax CRA” where the subtotal term “Sales Tax” will be taken from the above Subtotal Label field and corresponding Sales Invoice location will be appended making it “Sales Tax CRA”.

Tax Code Setup for Items

It is required that there is a valid Tax Code added to Item for calculating tax in Avalara.

Go to Order Entry > Items > Add Item > Add Tax code in Avalara Tab > Click on Save.

If no tax codes are added on the Item, Avalara applies the default tax code by itself or standard local tax rate applies.


Validations are added on Sales transactions (Sales Invoice and Sales Credit Memo) for checking if the items selected on the transaction lines have a Tax code applied to them and the selected locations have a Company code mapped to them. Below error messages will pop up on validation.

User can click Post again to post the Sales transaction, but it would not synchronize to Avalara if the location is not mapped to Company and will “No Company Found” message in the Avalara Message field on Sales Transaction header.

Tax Exemptions

  • The tax exemptions are handled by Avalara itself based on the Sales Transaction Customer-Id and Ship-to Location.

  • Tax Exemption certificates are added in Avalara for the customers that are to be exempted from tax calculations for particular regions and items.

  • Therefore, this Integration does not handle the tax exemptions by passing any exempt number in any way.

Last updated