Security Matrix

The Security Matrix screen is where you manage access rights for the different integration features. These can be set for specific Salesforce Profiles or by User.

Note: Even if the access rights for a screen are modified in the Security Matrix, a user with a System Administrator profile will still have default access to the screen due to their administrative privileges.

  • Navigate to the GUMU™ Settings application and the Administration page to access the Security Matrix tab.

  • Click on the Security Matrix tab to set up the Integration screen’s access rights (allow/deny) to specific Salesforce Profiles or Users.

Profile vs. User

Security LevelDetail


Profiles are listed in the grid allowing the administrator to allow/deny access for each Profile type (users under that Profile will have the same rights.


Users are listed in the grid allowing the administrator to allow/deny access for each individual User by name.

Following are the typical GUMU™ functional access which are maintained or provide access to the User or Profiles through the Security Matrix by Salesforce Admin.

GUMU Settings

For a particular User/Profile, the Salesforce Administrator can provide access to the GUMU™ Settings App by checking the checkbox (if the checkbox is left unchecked then that User/Profile will not have access to the GUMU™ Settings)

ERP Details

If the ERP Details checkbox is left unchecked for a particular User/Profile they will not be able to access the real-time data (Sales Order, AR Inquiry and Customer information) for the Accounts

Promote Customer

If this checkbox is left unchecked for a User/Profile they will not be allowed to promote the Accounts from Salesforce as Customers to Sage

Promote Order

If this checkbox is unchecked for a User/Profile they will not be allowed to promote Orders from Salesforce to Sage.

Promote Quote

If this checkbox is unchecked for a User/Profile they will not be allowed to promote Quotes from Salesforce to Sage.

Update Customer

If this checkbox is unchecked for a User/Profile they will not be allowed to pass on the update of a linked (Promoted) Account record to the Customer in Sage.

  • Here is an example: the system administrator has provided the user, Sage Demo, to access only five Modules (GUMU Settings, ERP Details, Promote Order, Promote Quote, and Update Customer) when the user logs into Salesforce and tries to Promote a Customer, they are not allowed

  • The following error message will be displayed when trying to Promote a Customer without rights: “You do not have permission to access this page. Contact your system administrator to request access.

Last updated